3 EM 1 – 06/05/2022

3 EM 1 - 06/05/2022


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We Need To Bring Industry Back To The United States

The First industrial revolution in the USA was form (1820-1870) that is 50 years of growing industry, Eli Williams in 1789 has the idea to make interchangeable parts for the musket. If the parts were made by machine they could be assembled much quicker, therefore getting them on the market faster. In business quick money is good money, and that is exactly what this idea done for the musket industry. They now had a much faster way to generate revenue. This really took off during that second American industrial revolution.

Fiscal Cliff Looms

If there ever was a dominating headline of the day – it is this one. Are we really supposed to think that there is some point in time in the near future where we just fall off the face of the earth? Didn’t some explorer figure out that the earth is round centuries ago?

Thank You, Ben Bernanke

Fed policy means an ultra-cheap mortgage now. We may pay later with higher inflation.

Iced! NHL Lockout Has Taken a Serious Toll

This article looks at the financial toll of the National Hockey League’s contract dispute on players, teams, and the cities those teams call home. The ripple effects of the lockout are staggering, especially for the host cities.

Bobblehead, Dual-Pendulum Toys Promote STEM Education to Fix Nation’s Problems

Our Nation’s government and leaders strongly promote and invest in STEM education to help solve country’s troubles. Invoking mysterious gravity and mystical energy, dual pendulums, a new invention, employ familiar physical realities, such as push, pull, flex, eneract, and sense, to introduce and symbolize STEM education. Fun, bobblehead, dual-pendulum novelties crafted with hockey pucks and fishing line both entertain people and illustrate the four fields of STEM: science, technology, engineering, & math. They entertain, enlighten, puzzle, & inspire people of almost all ages and persuasions, teenagers up.

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