3 EM 1 – 18/05/2022

3 EM 1 - 18/05/2022


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Dagong It – China Has Threatened to Lower Us Debt Rating without a Near Term Debt Limit Deal

Well so far we have warnings from various rating agencies that if the Congress and the Obama Administration do not come to terms for a Debt Limit Deal soon, that the United States debt rating will fall off a cliff into the abyss. We’ve read about Standard & Poor’s warning and Moody’s too, and now even China’s credit rating agency is warning the US to get a deal done. Have you ever heard of Dagong Credit Rating Agency in China?

The Great Depression And Its Downward Economic Spiral: Part 1 Of A 3 Part Series

In my previously published article series called “Riding It Out On The Great Financial Roller Coaster: United State’s Early Panics,” Parts 1-4, we examined the Panic of 1819 and the precedent it set for the bigger financial meltdowns that would come. We also examined the “Postwar Boom Period,” of the 1920’s about how economic growth created successful business profits which raised the standard of living for most Americans. This article, part 1 of a 3 part series, covers the beginnings of the mother of all economic meltdowns, the Great Depression. Parts 2 and 3 cover the Depression itself and its affects on America and the history of this great nation.

The Business of Education in America

The education system is being divided on the basis of ability to pay banks. The nations needs are becoming secondary to those of financial institutions. The wealthy are using the very model to prepare their children for college that the federal government is rejecting for main stream America. Why is this double standard being created?

The Great Depression And Its Downward Economic Spiral: Part 3 Of A 3 Part Series

In part 1 of this 3 part series, we explored the causes of The Great Depression, in part 2; we examined the effects it had on America. In part 3, we explore the ways that the American people tried to dig themselves out of this hole.

The Great Depression And Its Downward Economic Spiral: Part 2 Of A 3 Part Series

In part 2 of this 3 part series, we’ll deal with the effects of the fall out from the Great Depression. In part 1we explored its causes, but how devastating was it to the American people? By 1930 shanty towns or squatter communities, bitterly known as “Hoovervilles”, began to sprout up all over the United States from the fallout of the Great Depression. These individuals, branded hobos, were obligated to live a loathsome survival among monstrous piles of accumulated trash made of discarded public scraps of food or items of value that they could sell.

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