Home Vídeos News 3 EM 1 – 24/05/2022

3 EM 1 – 24/05/2022

by Infonew
3 EM 1 - 24/05/2022

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Global Economic Crisis, What Should We Do?

In 2008, the global economic has encountered the unprecedented strike. The global economy just fell to the bottom rapidly. When figuring out the policies and plans to settle this problem, government leaders have got confused. Hope the following article could be helpful.

Your Country Is Called Earth! Global Economics Are the New Truth

Trying to hold on to old concepts of protectionism is just going to leave you behind. With the challenges we are facing in the world economics, we just cannot afford to have one person hanging on to the old ways. After all, this will just leave broke and frustrated people in its wake.

QE2 – Fed’s Quantitative Easing Round 2

There is wide disagreement among smart people as to whether QE2 is a good or bad thing and whether the long term affects will be sharp inflation or an economy that more quickly rebounds. The result is yet up for determination, but here are a few relevant ideas.

The Poor People in USA

According to the report from United States Census Bureau, there are 4,360,000 poor people in USA in 2009. It means 1/7 people in USA is poor. The number breaks the record in the history in USA. And the situation will be worse next year and some people predict the number of poor people will be increased to as high as 1/5 among the whole population. Do you know what the problems result in this phenomenon?

Moody’s Odds for a Double-Dip Recession on the Rise

Moody’s analysts, who just a few weeks ago were predicting that the housing market would bottom out sometime this year and that prices would start rising as early as early 2011, are now saying that the odds are 1 in 4 that the U.S. economy and the U.S. housing market will experience a double dip recession. These numbers are pretty dire for many homeowners who may have been hanging on and trying to ride out the storm.

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