Home Vídeos News 3 EM 1 – 28/07/2022

3 EM 1 – 28/07/2022

by Infonew
3 EM 1 - 28/07/2022

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Free Advice to Congress on Rejuvenating the Big Three

The automotive industry is facing financial meltdown. In return for a bailout the industry must rejuvenate itself. The US can ill afford to import automobiles and defense systems from foreign countries and pay with currency borrowed abroad. The industry must be re-energized with new organizational concepts and new products. Scientific energy efficiency goals must replace political mandates. Renewable fuels must keep the industry viable.

Hypothetical Bailout Plan Proposal

By no means am I an economic major or am I a political science enthusiast, and I say this with a keen understanding for readers need to be assured by specialists and professionals in their fields. I’ve just rationalized the conceptualization of our economic crises and drawn up a proposal bailout relief plan based on the simplicity of our crises. Through my knowledge and understanding of the crises and what brought us to economic recession, I’ve proposed some hypothetical solutions that in a theoretical world would definitely work.

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