Home Vídeos News 3 EM 1 – 29/06/2022

3 EM 1 – 29/06/2022

by Infonew
3 EM 1 - 29/06/2022

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Global Economic Optimization – Maximizing Collaboration in the Business Sphere

The challenges the world is now facing threaten the very survival of mankind. Downward spiraling national economies are crying for our immediate attention, but not far in the future we will be forced to address serious socio-ecological issues gathering like storm clouds on the horizon. We must find a means for creating the enormous volume of additional wealth that will be required to address our challenges. Fortunately there is vast unrealized potential in the world’s business sphere.

Cash For Clunkers Bill – What is It? Who Does it Benefit?

Despite opposition, President Obama signed a highly opposed bill. With the Cash for Clunkers bill, Americans can trade in their fuel consuming vehicles; in turn, Americans will receive credits equal to $3,500 or more towards the purchase of a new, more environmental-friendly vehicle. The Cash for Clunkers bill, specifically known as the Car Allowance Rebate System (CARS, endured much criticism; environmentalists, for example, claim that fuel economy benefits are limited.

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