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PSOL quer que ministro explique vinda de Elon Musk ao Brasil

by Infonew
PSOL quer que ministro explique vinda de Elon Musk ao Brasil

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Banks Stripped of Overdraft Penalties – New Debit Card Services Offer Protection

The time has come for banks to put away their overdraft guns and start giving debit card customers options for their occasional overdrawing mistakes. Beginning Sunday, banks and credit unions will no longer be able to charge overdraft fees.

The Recession Returning?

Economic indicators are still pointing toward the resurgence of the great recession. Some said we were never out of a recession in the first place, though many who believed we were are now accepting that we may be headed back in that direction.

With All Due Respect Former FED Chairman Greenspan is Incorrect on Unemployment Numbers

The other day the former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan was being interviewed. He stated in that interview that unemployment will stay the same throughout 2010, perhaps through much of 2011, and does not see anything we can do about that or anything on the horizon which points to lower unemployment. Now then, I disagree, and I know I’m right so let me explain why.

Best Way to End Poverty – Abundance For All

I am going to tell you the best way to end poverty forever. Some people believe that charity will end poverty. In the traditional sense of the word charity, I don’t believe this is possible.

Watch For Savings Rate to Drop Off – The Sign Consumers Are Spending Enough to Sustain the Recovery

Following most recessions, consumers continue to increase their savings for some months to rebuild their buffer. Since the 1960s, with an exception in 2002, they waited about 9 to 18 months before they reduced their contributions to savings and spent more in the marketplace. When do you build up inventory expecting demand to surge?

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