Em meio às arbitrariedades do STF, Eduardo Bolsonaro atenta à importância de se eleger senadores que estejam verdadeiramente empenhados em frear os recorrentes pedidos de fechamento de mídias independentes e prisão de opositores políticos, ao contrário de Pacheco.
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Excessive Executive Pay Destroys Value
Executive bonuses have become a hot political issue since the 2008 banking crisis. Calls for government intervention are an understandable emotional reaction. However, they are misplaced, as government should not get involved in micro-economic policy. Rather, businesses across the board (and not just banking) need to take a fresh look at their executive remuneration, not least because of the enormous pay differential between top executives and the lowest paid in their companies.
Reasons Why Kmart Filed Bankruptcy in 2002Why did Kmart file bankruptcy? Kmart is a popular chain of stores in the United States. It also has branches in other countries so people in 2002, wondered about the answer to the question, why did Kmart file bankruptcy. The problem of Kmart was almost the same as to the troubles of Enron because it has experienced several highs and severe low points in their business.