Ao defender novamente a revisão das reformas trabalhista e da previdência, Lula reforçou a necessidade de adequação de ambas as propostas para que os trabalhadores “não sejam transformados em escravos”.
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It is Time For American Workers to Stop Blaming China
It is amazing that the American workers are so quick to blame things like NAFTA, and our foreign trade policies with other nations as the reason that there are fewer and fewer jobs in manufacturing these days in the United States. We need to stop blaming China for instance, and not allow that excuse so much weight during our national political discussions, and each subsequent future election.
Financial Regulation – What Went Wrong?In 1803, Lazare Carnot began the the study of entropy in thermodynamics, suggesting that natural processes become disorganized over time, leading to waste and inefficiency. So too, in economics does this now taken-for-granted law seem to be in clear effect: recession’s end has thus far led to little change in the regulatory structure of the Fed and other responsible bodies.