Home Vídeos News Adélio Bispo é avaliado e pode ser colocado em liberdade em 30 dias

Adélio Bispo é avaliado e pode ser colocado em liberdade em 30 dias

by Infonew
Adélio Bispo é avaliado e pode ser colocado em liberdade em 30 dias

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Prosper in Spite of the Economy

The majority of people are focusing on the gloom and doom of the economy. You can decide to rise above it, to even greater heights than before the ‘so-called’ economic downturn.

The Post-Crisis Approach to Fix the Crisis

I am proposing the creation of a web based universal financial reference platform; an electronic framework converging the collaborating effort of all the elements involved: financial institutions, UN Bureau of Economic Analysis, FMI, World Bank, Census Bureau, local and national governments, software manufacturers, search engines, and the ultimate source, regular people. My proposal does not exclude the creation of any other regulating structures, but it builds the footing on which to erect and expand them, and where every aspect of economic activity must be reflected, organized and monitored. It will be an endeavor of global proportions that …

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