Home Vídeos News Petrobras reduz preços, e gasolina deve cair novamente

Petrobras reduz preços, e gasolina deve cair novamente

by Infonew
Petrobras reduz preços, e gasolina deve cair novamente

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Impact of the Depreciation of the British Pound on the Spanish Economy

The construction and housing crisis in Spain weight heavily on the economy because of the high percentage of real estate and construction in the structure of the economy. Recently the depreciation of the British pound adds a new risk to the Spanish economy. Because part of the real estate sector is also related to residential tourism.

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India is now behind Brazil in the world economic rankings for GDP, it has surpassed Russia thank to its good planning and strategic expenditures in education in the last 20-years. The next 20-years will be an incredible rise to power indeed. India has the second largest population in the world with over a billion people, but it has not had 10% year over year economic growth as China. Which is actually a good thing, as its careful growth is favorable to China’s insane growth, inflationary challenges and infrastructure nightmare.

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