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Campanha por Lula e pelo MST chega aos bares de São Paulo

by Infonew
Campanha por Lula e pelo MST chega aos bares de São Paulo

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How Government Destroys the Dollar to Reward Wall Street

One of the main objections to the bailout bill (and nearly every Wall Street bailout that has been done so far) is that it will not stabilize the housing market, loosen up lending, or help prop up the stock market. Thus, there was no point to an Emergency Stabilization Act if it would not have provided any stability to the economy. But all such market bailout acts and government programs are not really designed to help solve the crisis; rather, they are an excuse to use a crisis to enrich the upper class and expand government power.

Can We Afford an O’conomy? – Obama’s First Test

Okay, it’s decided we now have a new Presidential Administration which is going to take power and that new administration is currently taking shape. This means we will have some modifications in the economic policy, but can we afford “Obaminomics” or as new pundits call it; the O’conomy? Well, can we afford these policies? President Elect Obama has promised:

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