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How To Survive In A Falling Economy That Is Not Serving You Well
It’s no secret that things are looking pretty dim in the job market, the real estate market, and the travel industry. More and more employers are cutting back on staff, leaving everyone clinging to their job as they try to survive in such a harsh economy. People from all walks of life are losing their jobs and are struggling to make ends meet.
Liquidity Problems RemainOn May 2nd, The Federal Reserve issued a statement about the crisis in liquidity which has bottlenecked global growth for several months. Since last August, banks have written down $300 billion in sub-prime related securities, but the IMF has predicted that the eventual cost will exceed $1 trillion. As major banks unloaded debt over the last half of 2007, their balance sheets became spread too thinly. As a result, they have become increasingly less willing to lend, especially to each other, preferring instead to shore up capital.