Home Nacionais e Internacionais Jorge Serrão: Discurso de Bolsonaro sobre auditoria das urnas eletrônicas é inútil

Jorge Serrão: Discurso de Bolsonaro sobre auditoria das urnas eletrônicas é inútil

by Infonew
Jorge Serrão: Discurso de Bolsonaro sobre auditoria das urnas eletrônicas é inútil


Jorge Serrão comenta sobre como as recentes declarações de Bolsonaro sobre a auditoria das urnas e a fiscalização pelas Forças Armadas, explicando como o Brasil e a classe política devem pagar o preço por ter perdido a chance de adotar a impressão dos votos.

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Brazil’s Trade Deficit

There are many challenges for expanding economies and one such challenge is currently being experienced by the Brazilian government after the announcement of a record trade deficit in January. The deficit was revealed at US $4.035 billion which is the highest on record and while it is slightly concerning in the short term it is one of these situations through which growing economies will need to navigate.

The Peaceful Rise of China

China is fast emerging as a major economic power.Its impact can be felt in global markets. It may be due to its peaceful foreign policy coupled with the pursuit of the principle of “free market economy”.

Food Shortages And Speculation Is The Next Offensive Against The Population!

Since 2000, many millions of Americans have endured a savage assault on their survival, their economic rights. Food prices are going up, as the Wall St. centered, investor community, motivated by the market collapse of 2007, are heavily invested in food commodities; it’s the last sector of the population’s economy that can be looted.

I Want to Get Rid of the Federal Reserve, He Said

The other day, someone came to me and said; “I think we ought to do away with the Federal Reserve” or what he meant was cease our relationship with them. I bet the Obama Administration would love to do that, as then they’d have the nation’s purse strings available to finish their plans in turning this nation into a socialist one. Now then, I am certain the Federal Reserve is not without fault, but do consider the tough job they have attempting to balance the political will in Washington DC.

Should We Get Rid of the Federal Reserve?

Not long ago, I was contacted and told I should join a team of economic writers trying to end the relationship of the Federal Reserve Bank. Personally, I am unconvinced that is a very good idea. Not only is it not really a good use of my time, but can you even imagine the chaos which would ensue if the US were to terminate the relationship with the Federal Reserve now? Okay so, let’s talk shall we?

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