Home Nacionais e Internacionais Daniel Silveira não comparece para troca da tornozeleira eletrônica

Daniel Silveira não comparece para troca da tornozeleira eletrônica

by Infonew
Daniel Silveira não comparece para troca da tornozeleira eletrônica

Contrariando a decisão de Moraes, o deputado federal Daniel Silveira não compareceu na administração penitenciária para fazer a troca da tornozeleira eletrônica, que estava marcada para esta quinta-feira (05).

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Should We Just Let the Sequestration Happen?

The deficit spending craze we are enduring will bankrupt this country and leave our children a failed legacy. Politicians can find nothing to agree on besides raising revenues. Revenues are not the problem — massive deficit spending it.

More QE Will Make Things Worse

Why more QE will not work. This is the same failed strategy they’ve already tried twice before.

Interested in Interest Rates?

There are millions of people all over the world who are living on or are close to the bread line. If every country paid back what it owed to whomever it borrowed from, the interest market would fold up and that would cause a downturn in the economy because, the interest rates are like the cream on the top of a bottle of milk.

Abraham Lincoln’s Fiscal Cliff

When Abraham Lincoln ran for the presidency, the nation was nearly debt-free. As a candidate, his economic policies were simple and straightforward. He campaigned for the establishment of a national bank in response to a rolling series of local bank failures. He also urged higher tariffs to help finance the government and expand the country’s rail lines -some of the same railroads he had represented as an attorney. His policies may have been well-intended, but they helped spark the Civil War.

Addressing Scarcity Complex With Respect to Privately Funded Primary Education in India

Primary and Secondary education at private institutions in urban India is generally expensive. Unfortunately not every school delivers consistent quality education to the level that the price promises. But schools regardless of quality seem to be able to attract promising and eligible students. The best institutions get their early bird students and their seats fill up fast. Those not among the best also get their share of bright students. These capable kids were probably refused admission at preferred schools because they ran out of seats or had concerns about parents’ income criteria. An artificial sense of scarcity pervades and this probably contributes to the relative price inelasticity of demand of urban middle class population. This can be ameliorated if the supply side is augmented. Thus, if more private players can be encouraged to bring up new quality schools, they can help raise competition and lower prices by removing artificial scarcity. Economic incentives may be provided to these institutions so that they can sustain quality education consistently. Thus, while price of education will fall, quality will go up.

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