Home Nacionais e Internacionais Marco Antônio Costa: Caso Daniel Silveira é o exemplo mais flagrante de desobediência civil

Marco Antônio Costa: Caso Daniel Silveira é o exemplo mais flagrante de desobediência civil

by Infonew
Marco Antônio Costa: Caso Daniel Silveira é o exemplo mais flagrante de desobediência civil

Marco Antônio Costa traça um paralelo entre o conceito de desobediência civil e o caso Daniel Silveira para ressaltar como a perseguição escancarada de Moraes ao deputado, somada às inclinações esquerdista da doutrina, geram uma situação antijurídica no país.

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One Dollar US Coins – Okay But So What?

As you know, Canada no longer uses a paper dollar. For decades now the United States has been talking about going to a one dollar coin as well, but we haven’t yet. Why not you ask? It’s hard to say, but I would submit to you that it isn’t so much about the cost of creating coins versus paper because the coins last quite a bit longer, rather the problem is; the return on investment of the creation of that coin..

Jobs Are Obsolete

Technology increases the efficiency and functionality of most things. We usually hear that the answer for long term unemployment is educating and retraining our work force. Training may help the individual, however as technology improves efficiency, there is simply less (really needed) work to do.

Crucial Measures for Developers Expected From the Autumn Statement

  The highlights of George Osborne’s upcoming announcement, such as raising £10bn in funds by increasing tax on pensions and large properties and introducing benefit cuts are causing much speculation.   The chancellor’s move seems likely to target middle and upper class earners. The Autumn Statement announcement next week is expected to tackle his new plans for taxation and is likely to include hitting pensions and owners of large properties through a prospective “mansion” tax.

The Global Economy Is Interlinked – Should More Continuity Be Globally Mandated?

Most folks cringe on the concept of a new world order, and I can certainly see their point, as we have far too many layers of government as it is, still we do need standardization and continuity. After all, the US economy depends on the rest of the world as much as the rest of the world now depends on the US and our strength to buy their products and engage in trade as they build up their domestic economies. Sure, nothing new there, but I’d like to briefly discuss all this with you, especially on how it relates with the potential break-up of the European Union.

Unemployment in China, Is That Real?

Recently, the SEC said it was going after several rating companies, consulting companies, and subsidiaries of Chinese companies for possibly putting out false information. In the United States and in our markets we have strict rules for accounting and reporting. We have these to protect the investor, and to protect the market’s integrity. If people don’t trust the markets, they won’t invest, and we won’t be able to capitalize American businesses. Today, with the global flow of investment moving at such a high rate of speed we need similar rules and standardization around the world.

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