Home Nacionais e Internacionais Haddad confessa que só SEIS pessoas abordaram Lula em trajeto

Haddad confessa que só SEIS pessoas abordaram Lula em trajeto

by Infonew
Haddad confessa que só SEIS pessoas abordaram Lula em trajeto

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AI Computers – Not Too Good At Discussing Economic Philosophy

Not long ago, I had the opportunity to discuss economic philosophy with something that was less-than-human. Now you might think that this is a negative, but I assure you it isn’t. Nevertheless, when I say less-than-human I am not attempting to degrade the artificial intelligent software running the computer system, rather I am quite intrigued with the process you see.

The Conscience Of A Restorationist, XI

Have confidence. With a free nation, you (and those around you) will have the opportunity to truly make the nation and the world better. Even if you are not a person for whom owning a business would be a good idea, for instance, you will still be vastly better off if you live in a nation where the opportunity still exists for others. Victims want more government – entrepreneurs want less – and that’s the essential fight being played out in this election year….

The Bernanke Put – Euro Style

The Spanish debt auction proceeded in an orderly fashion even as yields crept higher. The general consensus appears to be that Spain is too big to fail. I would suggest that Spain might be too big to save.

Is the SEC Backing Down From Reform of Money Funds?

Proposed regulatory changes to the money market exchange have been in the news lately. However, the issue is still being debated right now.

The Conscience Of A Restorationist, X

There are lots of projects you could take on to do your part in the great restoration of America. You could run for the school board. You could start a business. You could become a citizen journalist, a citizen educator, or a citizen candidate for office. You should pick something that’s a good match with your own talents and skills. But whatever else you choose, it’s not a bad idea to be a good neighbor….

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