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Leo e Lully estão prontos para embarcar em uma canoa e ajudar muitos bichinhos a atravessar o rio. Mas será que todos eles sabem remar? É o que a gente vai ver quando a Ovelha, o Porco, o Pombo, o Galo, o Gato, o Pintinho, o Grilo, a Galinha, o Ratinho e o Peru entrarem nessa. Divirtam-se com a Canoa Virou de 10 animais diferentes!
Vem cantar com a gente.
A canoa virou, por deixar ela virar
Foi por causa do ……. que não soube remar
Se eu fosse um peixinho, soubesse nadar
Eu tirava o …….. lá do fundo do mar
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Segue a gente!
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What Holiday Cheer
As another winter fast approaches where chestnuts should be roasting in an open fire but, for many an open fire are the flames coming from countless trash cans where homeless multitudes gather around just to keep warm. For far too many it is the harshness of winter that brings little joy. Homelessness, hunger and woe the numbers continue to grow.
Shoplifting Attempt Gone Wrong, Because Of No Extra MoneyEver tried to steal merchandise, but it did not go according to plan? Some of us go through tough times, because we simply don’t have the extra money to get what we need, so our minds can tell some of us to do something that we normally would not do. Read on to understand what happens when someone does not know how to get extra money from anywhere…
History of the Occupy MovementThe protesters are left-leaning liberals and Communists. Most have supported Obama while some say they are Republicans. There a lot of retirees, labour unionists, and students in the Occupy Movement that want to transform the system. The movement began in Spain and went around the world. This was known as lndignados and was spearheaded by adjusters who funded it and wanted an occupation of Wall Street.
Why The US Dollar Is the Next Currency to DieThe dollar has been the World’s Reserve Currency since the 1970s when the Gold Standard was abandoned by President Nixon. Since then, the US dollar is widely accepted across the world making it the world’s leading currency. Today 43% of all cross border transactions use the US dollar. Furthermore, central bank reserves indicate that the value of the dollar is strong with 61% of these reserves being in dollars.
Capitalism, Socialism, and the Affordable Housing MarketThis article discusses the inefficiencies in the housing market in the United States of America. It offers evidence of the glaring disparities between the homeless and barely-housed (millions of whom live in squalor), and the super-wealthy, who live pampered material existences beyond the wildest dreams of most average, working-class Americans.