
Bem vindos ao canal oficial do Programa Pânico na Band. Aqui você encontra tudo sobre o programa, em HD, e relembra as maiores trollagens, além das Panicats, quadros incríveis e matérias marcantes.
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Vídeos Curtos do Pânico (Shorts): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3AYvvTlMK4VzhXHoyyAxdQ
Pânico Retrô (momentos engraçados do Pânico no rádio) : https://www.youtube.com/c/P%C3%A2nicoRetr%C3%B41
Entrevistas completas no canal do Pânico Jovem Pan: https://www.youtube.com/c/panicojovempan

Africa – Raped, Exploited and Abandoned

A deeper look at the long term effect of the colonization of many, if not most, African regions and countries since the 1600’s reveals the horrific treatment of the native peoples and tribes, and the very negative effect on their economies. And it covers the exclusion in terms of the Global Economy, the majority of the rural people in Africa do not have the technological knowledge nor the necessary infrastructure within which to take part in the Global Economy.

5 Reasons Graduates Should Be Talking About Online Jobs

The problem of graduate unemployment has bedeviled many a nation for decades, and has caused increasing dissatisfaction among youths who should be vibrant propellers of national development. In recent times, offline jobs have steadily declined in inverse proportion to advancements in communication technology. However, this trend should be seen as a blessing rather than a curse.

US Dollar Stability – For How Long?

America’s trade and budget deficits have led to large amounts of borrowing such that many countries, in particular Asian ones, hold trillions of dollars of US debt. Over the last twelve months they have seen the value of that debt slowly decline as other economies have emerged from the recession in a stronger position than the US. A continued decline in the dollar’s value is likely to lead some of the holders of US debt to consider selling and, as a result, further undermine US dollar stability.

Greek Unemployment Soars

The gulf between the strong and weak members of the EU was today emphasized by figures that show the parlous state of the Greek economy. Janet Yellen is concerned about hardcore unemployment in the US where the unemployment rate hovers around 6.5% whilst the Greek unemployment rate has just been announced as a record 28% overall, with two thirds of young people without a job.

Why Buy “Made In USA” Products?

“Buy local”, “Made in USA”, and other terms are used on a daily basis by American companies targeting American consumers. What is the point of purchasing goods and services that are made in the USA or from locally owned businesses? When you buy American you are helping provide more benefits to your local community and businesses. Let us explain.

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