“A terceira via escolheu a Tebet e o Doria ficou…”

"A terceira via escolheu a Tebet e o Doria ficou..."


Aliados do ex-governador de São Paulo, João Doria (PSDB), reagiram às informações de que a senadora Simone Tebet (MDB-MS) foi escolhida pelo MDB, Cidadania e pelo seu próprio partido para encabeçar a chapa da terceira via.

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US Budget 2011 – A Quick Look And Analysis Of What It Has Accomplished (Or Failed To)

A brief look at some of what has been accomplished in making the 2011 US budget. Labeled as the largest of spending cuts in U.S. history, President Obama stated it is a worth while compromise with both sides making tough decisions and both finding need to “give ground” on some issues deemed important to each.

Greece, Iceland, Ireland, and Portugal, Which Country Is Next?

First came Iceland, financially ruined by the nations banks, then Greece exposed by creative accounting, and hidden debts. Ireland soon followed after banking debts ruined the economy, then poor Portugal suffering a a conundrum of mini burst bubbles. Which country is next in line for an EU, IMF bailout?

Outsourcing: The Battle for Profits Over Jobs

As the economy slowly begins to crawl from beneath the wreckage of the 2008 financial crisis and following economic recession, the outsourcing of jobs from the U.S. to countries with a cheaper labour force raises issues with American workers. Cessna Aircraft Company is one of many companies in the U.S. that has run into these problems…

American Culture and Sociology: Teaching Children Economics

Most of us are familiar with the movie, “It’s a Bug’s Life.” The movie is delightful, though it is doubtful that many children understood its playfully depicted but highly applicable message. The moral of the Aesop’s fable upon which it is based is: “It is best to prepare for the days of necessity.”

National Debt – Little Known Reason Why The US Is Sitting On Cusp Of Financial Disaster

The United States has a national debt problem. This is hardly a secret and we aren’t that much different than many other countries in this regard. Well, at least it seems that way. In truth, we are standing on the edge of cliff and most people really do not realize it. This is because there is a little known reason why we could fall off the cliff – one neither the politicians nor economist are voicing.

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