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#JohnWick #JohnWick4
Auto Industry Crash to Cost American Economy 2 Million Jobs
Should the US Government and taxpayer bailout an industry that refuses to get with the program and innovate to keep up with the reality of the market place? Should we bailout our US Automakers, if the unions will immediately strike and thus, take the money for themselves? Should the US government subvert capitalism and prop up an inefficient and ineffectual industry? These are all questions that an Obama Administration will be faced with.
No Failure Left Behind – How Bank Bailouts Make Us All Greedy CEOsFor homeowners and bankers who took advantage of the housing boom and easy credit conditions to borrow far beyond their means, congratulations! You can expect to receive the greatest benefits from the government’s new $700 billion bailout plan, with your greed, ignorance, or self-defeating financial decisions handsomely rewarded.