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Ala do MDB pró-Lula articula para limar Simone Tebet da eleição

by Infonew
Ala do MDB pró-Lula articula para limar Simone Tebet da eleição

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The Global Credit Crunch and Free Trade

Free trade is almost universally accepted as a “good thing” and seldom if ever seriously questioned. In this article I will show you that free trade is in fact a ruinous policy that is responsible for destroying whole industries in the western world and increasing poverty in industrialized countries to unprecedented levels. It is high time it was seriously challenged.

When Will UK House Prices Stop Falling? Not Anytime Soon I’m Afraid

The popular press are full of credit crunch stories. Companies closing, people losing their jobs, it’s carnage out there. One of the reasons we in the UK are in such a mess is housing. We are obsessed with housing and see houses as a way of making a quick buck. However, the dream is now in tatters and it’s all come crashing down, but when is it going to bottom out?

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