O ministro Alexandre de Moraes tomará posse como presidente do Tribunal Superior Eleitoral (TSE) na próxima terça-feira (16), a partir das 19h. Na mesma ocasião, o ministro Ricardo Lewandowski será empossado vice-presidente. Os comentaristas Paulo Figueiredo, Guga Noblat e Zoe Martinez analisam. Assista ao Morning Show completo: https://youtu.be/b8xWKOceXG0
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The Dry-Rot Economy
The financial contagion of the sub-prime mortgage crash continues to work its way through the nation’s economic foundations like dry rot. But to put the blame on mortgage lenders, banks and the like is to mistake swelling for the fracture. The U.
The Economic Bubble And Spill Over To Real EconomySeries of reports about bubble burst, over and underpriced of assets, bankruptcies, margin calls on hedge funds and so on dominated the financial press. What lacks are the down to earth analysis of the causes and the implications on the real economy.