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Ana Paula Henkel: Ação contra Trump pode ser tiro no pé dos democratas

by Infonew
Ana Paula Henkel: Ação contra Trump pode ser tiro no pé dos democratas

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Providing Corporate Welfare to Banks Only Makes Foreclosure Crisis Worse

There have been numerous calls from politicians and interest groups about how to help homeowners in foreclosure. Far too many of their proposals, though, involve providing direct subsidies to foreclosure victims, in the form of money from the government. The government, however, should not “supply money” to anyone, whether they are facing foreclosure or not.

The Economic Ascendancy of China – China as a Major Player in World Economics

China has experienced unparalleled economic growth within the last two decades. However, this growth has been questioned by some experts and has worried other Asian nations. China has a decidedly larger share of foreign investment funds than its neighbors. Still, some experts predict that the general political instability of the region may well be the downfall of China’s economic growth as these experts wonder how long such growth can be sustained especially to the disadvantage of the rest of the area.

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