Home Vídeos News Ana Paula Henkel: Como mulher, não voto em mulher ou homem incompetente. Não é questão de gênero.

Ana Paula Henkel: Como mulher, não voto em mulher ou homem incompetente. Não é questão de gênero.

by Infonew
Ana Paula Henkel: Como mulher, não voto em mulher ou homem incompetente. Não é questão de gênero.

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Consumer Spending – Another Drag on the Economy!

Most of the time in American history it’s been a good thing that Americans love to spend, a good thing that consumer spending accounts for 70% of the U.S. economy. But not now.

Electronic Money, RFID Implanted Chips, and the Death of the Paper Dollar Considered

Beware read the headline; Big Brother is out to chip you! And no they were not referring to throwing anyone into a wood-chipper, rather they were talking about implanting RFID Chips inside humans for tracking, communication, ID, and banking. Consider if you will that all you’d have to do to buy something is wave your arm over the cash register reader instead of sliding your ATM or credit card to buy something?

How Would You Like to Go Down in History As a Great Economic Reformer of Human Civilization?

Not long ago, I was talking to a gentleman who was trying to coax me into promoting a new economic scheme. He indicated that anyone who would bring such a concept to the forefront would go down in history as a great reformer of economics, society, and human civilization, and he wondered if I’d be interested? No thanks to that.

Metro Atlanta Economic Update & What You Can Do About It!

Metro-Atlanta still faces challenges from all directions, especially when it comes to real estate holdings. That does not mean opportunities don’t exist, but it does mean you should have knowledge, a professional team, capital and patience.

Complexity and Decision Making – Economic Choices Considered

The more information and complex a problem becomes, it is said that the harder it is to make a meaningful and correct solution – that is to say come up with the; best possible answer. But is this really true you ask? Well, yes, there have been a number of studies, and lots of research in this area.

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