André Lajst explica como o atual conflito não é de Israel com a Palestina, mas sim com o grupo terrorista Jihad Islâmica que é originário do Egito e oferece perigo para todo o mundo, e analisa a relação entre o papel geopolítico dos EUA na guerra e a gestão de Biden.
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Bankrupt Economy A Result of Morally Bankrupt Politics And Financially Bankruptcy Banks
With the passage of the poorly-named “Foreclosure Prevention Act,” the somewhat-elected representatives of a small percentage of the people of the country have passed legislation that will only hurt more homeowners. Although ostensibly designed to provide more resources to assist homeowners in foreclosure, the bill actually rewards those parties (banks and homebuilders) who have profited most from the real estate bubble.
Collapse Of Housing Market Just The Beginning Of Economic DownturnThe housing crisis is, unfortunately, one of the last steps in the leveraged buyout of the country by the banking system, which controls and creates the money used by every person. The banks will either own the real estate, or they will have helped to inflate and crash the markets so that homeowners owe far more on their properties than they are worth or could ever pay back.