Anitta expôs durante entrevista ao PodDelas, na última segunda-feira (08), um áudio enviado pelo ex-presidente Lula. Na ocasião, a cantora revelou que havia feito um convite para que Lula participasse do programa e decidiu mostrar qual foi a decisão dele. Assista ao Morning Show completo:
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Global Economy Flattens in Structural Change, Not Recession, Absent a Frontier
There is a massive buildup of wealth in the world. Something like 72 superyacht builders can’t keep up with demand. The business jet business is off the charts, and, for the first time, most purchases are by individuals, not corporations. What recession?
Are We Now in a Polar Bear Market?As the economy continues to chill and the stock market dipped into Bear territory many are forecasting doom and gloom. Now it is generally accepted that the stock market leads the economy by 6-months and we have already seen major lay-off announcements by a good many of America’s Corporate Stars. As corporate executives try to return their stock price they realize they must cut costs, often that means more job cuts, which further weakens the overall economy.