Home Nacionais e Internacionais Após fala de Bolsonaro, TSE diz que partidos poderão auditar as eleições

Após fala de Bolsonaro, TSE diz que partidos poderão auditar as eleições

by Infonew
Após fala de Bolsonaro, TSE diz que partidos poderão auditar as eleições

Um dia após Bolsonaro mencionar em sua live que o PL vai contratar uma empresa privada para realizar a verificação dos votos no processo eleitoral, o TSE declarou que os partidos políticos poderão auditar as eleições.

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Fighting Quality for Profit

In this article, I address the problem of producing mediocre goods, with precious valuable resources. The idea of, “Buy low, sell high,” does not work for every industry. Free market is great, but that market is rewarded for producing mediocre goods with natural resources.

What’s Really Wrong With Our Economy?

There is an underlying moral problem that urgently needs to be addressed. This can be seen in a reckless and restless spirit inside some key segments of modern economy. It creates frenzied markets that lead people to resent the very idea of restraint and scorn the spiritual, religious, moral and cultural values that normally serve to order and temper economic activity.

Dumping A Lot of Dough Into the System To Keep It Alive

A couple of years ago, the head of Brazil’s central bank became quite aggravated and noted that he didn’t want to get involved or even be involved in any currency wars, and didn’t enjoy the race to the bottom. He was right to make this statement, and Brazil was doing everything they needed to do with regards to interest rates and money supply to keep their economy from overheating. The strength of inflows in direct foreign investment and trade flows were causing problems and inflation, and starting to lop side their economy.

Purporting Falsehood to Boost Consumer Confidence and Cultivate Economic Strength?

Is there honor in purporting a created reality to move a society towards a political or economic goal if that goal would help the good of the country? Yes, in a way this is just another replay of the “means and ends” debate, or is it, is there something more here? Philosophically speaking these are the same arguments, but then there is the concept of getting everyone on the same page, preventing collapse, and taking the nation forward, all to be considered honorable, or are they?

Costa Rican Economy Continues to Prosper

Despite the fact that this week we saw a reduction in forecast growth for the Costa Rican economy during 2013, the country is still set to be the third fastest-growing economy in the region. This is an area of the world which has for many years been overlooked by investors and businesses but is now certainly on the investment map and attracting more and more interest.

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