Home Vídeos News Após Paola Carosella, Joice Hasselmann também ofende eleitores de Bolsonaro

Após Paola Carosella, Joice Hasselmann também ofende eleitores de Bolsonaro

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Após Paola Carosella, Joice Hasselmann também ofende eleitores de Bolsonaro

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Impact of Deflation on Japan

The Japanese economy has experienced extraordinary economic conditions since the asset bubble of the late 1980s. Deflation and a mix of low unemployment and sliding GDP per capita have led to a very unique economic situation within the small nation.

When Did the Recession Start and What Caused It?

While we continue to endure the greatest economic crisis the world has ever seen many are still left wondering: when did the recession start? To explain the complete history of the mechanisms leading up to this economic recession would take much more time than either of us have here today.

Michelle Obama’s Visit to Spain – Good News For Spain’s Economy

Michelle Obama and her daughter Sasha will spend some of their holidays in Costa del Sol’s world famous Marbella. According to “Oak Power Comunicacion”, the company that has conducted the analysis, Obama’s wife and daughter visit to Spain will be covered by 660 televisions, 2500 newspapers, 2100 internet media, 900 radios, and 1950 magazines.

Canada’s Economic Recovery Slowing

A recent economic retake of the predicted recession recovery for Canada shows the country is not improving as fast as hoped. As a matter of fact, it’s been stated that Canada is slowing much quicker than previously anticipated. However, the Bank of Canada is confident Canada will not slip into a second recession.

Cost of Living in Argentina

Living costs in Argentina compare favorably to those of other South American countries and also those in Central America. Even though the country itself may have a slightly better reputation than the likes of Mexico, Colombia and even Panama, many people may be surprised to learn of the relatively low cost of living in the country.

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