Home Vídeos News Aras é pressionado para abrir investigação contra Bolsonaro

Aras é pressionado para abrir investigação contra Bolsonaro

by Infonew
Aras é pressionado para abrir investigação contra Bolsonaro

A fala do presidente Jair Bolsonaro (PL) a embaixadores sobre o sistema eleitoral, provocou reações de repúdio nesta terça-feira (19), na cúpula do Judiciário e em diferentes setores do Ministério Público. Assista ao Morning Show completo: https://youtu.be/TpLc2Y2UwwU

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Mesmerized by Melodic Rhetoric

“I’ve been through Y2K and I’ve been through 9/11. I have never seen people so afraid as what we are seeing right now,” said gun shop owner Scott Moss recently. With more guns per capita – easily 250 million privately owned ones – and certainly more people in prisons than any other democracy, the intriguing question in this still worsening economic calamity is: If Americans found the courage for political rebellion now, would it preempt massive criminal violence, social havoc and armed rebellion later?

Has Wall Street Been Officially Renamed Fall Street?

Wall Street, in lower Manhattan, New York City, New York, should be renamed, as in Fall Street. Is this where Humpty Dumpty took a great fall and all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty back together again?

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