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#SenhorDosAneis #LordOfTheRings #PrimeVideo
What is the Current Financial Crisis About?
To me the current “financial crisis” with a bailout to save the economy is coming with the help from the media manipulation factory to solve now the old bubble of sub prime mortgages. Some leaders create a crisis just before the reelection – the timing is perfect – and are asking for a bailout based on stories about very complicated financial instruments and other banks’ mistakes. We like to know more about “banks’ mistakes.”
Rothschild’s Pigeons, Or How to Spread a RumorNapoleon got defeated by the British in the battle of Waterloo. The real hero however of this operation was not a marshal, but a banker: Nathan Rothschild; “he didn’t fire a gun; he wasn’t even near the fight.” But he was in the possession of carrier-pigeons.