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Assista à entrevista com Coronel José Vicente na íntegra

by Infonew
Assista à entrevista com Coronel José Vicente na íntegra

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Is it Hard to Anticipate the Next Giant Black Swan Financial Bubble Burst?

Each time we have a complete financial economic catastrophe, everyone says; “how could anyone have predicted this would happen,” and I say to all those who say such nonsense; “Are You Kidding Me?” Of course, it was predictable. The Junk Bond crash, the S & L scandal, the Enron collapse, and the housing bubble burst were all predictable, obvious, and anyone who didn’t see it, was living in fantasy-land.

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A basic 5-step plan to increase success in your local economic development strategy. This is meant as a general overview. Local conditions will require modifications to this process.

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Jobs aren’t there, their confidence is shrinking to record lows. You find that the borrowing capacity is there it is just not happening. It isn’t happening because there isn’t a demand.

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