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The Mexican Peso to US Economy – The US Recovery and the Peso Opportunity
The Mexican economy has the advantageous location of being the largest consumers’ neighbor. Thus, any changes in consumer demand have almost an immediate and perceptible impact on the health of the Mexican economy.
Chinese Monetary Maneuvers Impact the DollarWho could believe that changes in the Chinese economy could impact currency values of other nations! However, with the massive significance that the economy of China has gained in the global economy, maneuvers by China have come to impact world trade and thus currency values.
Bring on the Recession!I have always assumed that economics is complex stuff, or they would not have so many university courses dealing with it. Even after everyone has finished the courses, they continue to debate the various issues with very little certainty about what is best for everyone. So it is obviously presumptuous for me to butt into this debate with virtually no experience in academic economics.
Oil Spills, European Market Crisis, and Cash For Gold – What This Means For YouThe news recently has been devastating to a Global Economy trying desperately to climb out of a three-year economic recession. Recent events have made a significant impact on world Gold Spot Prices and how this translates to consumers with precious commodities such as gold, silver, and platinum.
California Uses Unclaimed Money to Fix Budget DeficitCalifornia tops the chart in unclaimed money laying with the state treasurer. The state is trying its best to get the unclaimed cash to the rightful owners. The state’s coffers are getting filled with Unclaimed Property Program that receives unclaimed checks from various banks, insurance companies, utility services, employers, etc.