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Assista à entrevista com Leandro Narloch e Henrique Terena

by Infonew
Assista à entrevista com Leandro Narloch e Henrique Terena

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Can Harlem Stay Black?

How many Blacks can still afford to live in Harlem? How many NYers can?

Communism Misunderstood in America: Communism the Ultimate Objective – Part IV

Marx’s theoretical work along with his empirical inquiries led him to the discovery of “scientific laws of development” illuminating stages beyond capitalism. His theory relied on the concept of historical materialism involving the analysis of the past as well as future developments. His findings toward the future indicated that as industrialization advances, continually better educated and more conscious working class will rise and eliminate the capitalist class structure replacing it by a mono-class society of proletariat. Further advancement in technology and means of production will bring an abundance of goods which would be equitably distributed based on individual needs. After all remnants of capitalism are eliminated by the ruling proletariat, this working class will also disappear, since there will be no need for government, and humanity will reach its ultimate stage of freedom and democracy — a stateless and classless namely a communist society.

Communism Misunderstood in America: Theory of Historical Materialism, Part III

The theory of dialectical materialism is more likely Marx’s greatest contribution in historical and social sciences. Materialism is a continuous evolutionary process. His method is an attempt to comprehend the nature of change, transformation of all that is becoming without losing the essence of that it is. This relates all changes in human and community relationship to development of material means and relationship in class struggle.

Minimum Wage Hurts The Free Market And Leads To Fewer Jobs

Minimum wages create an anchor on Free Enterprise and hurts job growth. The most inefficient way to spend money is spending other people’s money on other people. That is what the Government does. That is why we have such a weak economy which will only get worse with more Government spending and laws that restrict the Free Market from working. Having laws such as minimum wage creates a weak foundation to grow a prosperous economy.

October 7: Economic Collapse Could Be the End of America As We Know It

The chickens are coming home to roost for a government that’s been printing money to help the bankers. The media are warning us; do we get the message? Ready or not, trouble seems to be coming!

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