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Assista à entrevista com Mangabeira Unger na íntegra

by Infonew
Assista à entrevista com Mangabeira Unger na íntegra

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Sound Money, the Answer for an Economic Recovery

Despite the high unemployment rate, high number of foreclosures, a depressed real estate market, and rising prices on food and other commodities there’s plenty of optimism that comes straight from the Central Bank and the Treasury. But what the officials don’t take the time to explain in a logical manner is how can our debt burdened economy truly recover after decades of (Federal Reserve induced) bubbles and busts. This article opens up a discussion about a topic that not many feel comfortable to talk about: Sound Money, the only solution to an economic recovery.

Market Brief – Earnings Surprises Continue – But for How Long?

Clearly the Quantitative easing programs are working. After all, $14 trillion in stimulus had better do some good. The problem is for how long. What happens when the QE programs end, and how long can earnings actually “surprise” investors.

Accepting Failure in Business Doesn’t Mean We Should Except the Crony Capitalistic Causes

Capitalism is probably the best way to run a society and civilization, and it has proven itself in the United States. Unfortunately we are not practicing free-market capitalism, no one really is. However the closer we get to our fundamental ideals and principles when it comes to free-market capitalism the better we will do, and that has been self evident in looking at the short history of the United States.

Too Many Similarities to a Year Ago!

There are a spooky number of conditions and situations that are similar to a year ago today. That’s uncomfortable because exactly a year ago today, in the similar excitement over first-quarter earnings reports, the stock market was just three trading days from topping out into the scary April-July correction of last year.

Social Security Meltdown

Can we successfully come to a fix to this looming Social Security meltdown? Some have suggested that the problem won’t be here until 2045, but signs are pointing to an earlier date, a lot earlier. Just to enlighten and make people consciously aware of this problem, this article delves into the serious nature of losing our senior’s retirement and what affect that could have on the younger generation.

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