Assista à entrevista com Mauricio Souza na íntegra

Assista à entrevista com Mauricio Souza na íntegra


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Cost Push and Demand Pull Inflation

Indian economy has been facing the menace of very high consumer price index for the past several years. Some economists assume that high inflation is good for the economy. Huge amounts are released for the economic development which leads to high money supply and leads to demand pull inflation.

The Possibility of US Economic Collapse

Is the growing U.S. debt cause of concern? How much further can the proverbial can be kicked down the road before it hits a brick wall?

Development and Limiting Factors of Economic Development in Albania for the Last Three Decades

The coming years should serve as a prelude to the start of the project to long-term sustainable economic development (economic policy) of Albania of tomorrow, based on the model that passes through the four points above, as a theorem that is implemented from all states already, seeking development through the model. How will know us if the government will carry out its duties and will be a factor of economic growth developer? The answer can be found in monitoring the quality of governance (World Bank) that could be measured through accountability, political stability, absence of state violence, effectiveness of governance, institutional framework, implementation of laws at full capacity, and control of corruption.

Beyond Aristotelian Monetary Properties

This article examines the four properties Aristotle required money to have: durability, portability, divisibility, and intrinsic value. It shows his mistake in requiring money to have an intrinsic value as also his omission of many other, truly required monetary properties. Furthermore, it introduces the distinction between the only absolutely required property of money and all its remaining, relatively required ones.

What To Do With An Economics Degree

Economics deals with the production and distribution of wealth, goods, and other services. Many students who obtain a degree in economics find jobs as economist, while others pursue similar careers in other relevant fields in business, academia, private sectors, and government. Students who wish to pursue a degree in economics will study topics such as forecasting, macroeconomics, global and emerging markets, economic development, microeconomics, economic reporting and analysis, managerial economics, and calculus.

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