Assista à entrevista com Ricardo Ventura e Guilherme Fiuza na íntegra

Assista à entrevista com Ricardo Ventura e Guilherme Fiuza na íntegra


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China Rescuing the EU By Buying Bad Bogus Debt

As a geo-political analyst, amongst other important endeavors, sometimes I find myself intrigued with “What If” scenarios. One recent scheme in the news was for the Euro Zone to sell debt to China to bail out various EU member nation-states, and without getting into which ones because we are all already familiar with them, I thought this might be a great topic for discussion. You see, there was an interesting post on the Forbes’ Blog Network the other day by Gordon Chang (October 30, 2011) titled; “Will Europe Rescue China?”

Free Market – What Free Market, Where?

Apparently, somehow folks in the United States, at least a good portion of them have been convinced that capitalism has failed. That is utter horse crap. What has failed is our leaders who have usurped the fundamentals of free-market capitalism forming an unhealthy and incestuous relationship with Wall Street and Big Business.

Crony Capitalism Must Be Defeated and Free Market Capitalism Must Survive

Crony Capitalism and Free Market Capitalism are not the same, and you can be for one and not the other. Lumping it all into one, and then condemning capitalism is an unfair charge, Indeed, I’d like to explain this all to you if you have a few moments. Not long ago, I met an individual and we got to talking about how our free market system has been hijacked on Wall Street and our Corporation’s largest board rooms due to the incestuous relationship in Washington DC where big-time politicians cut endless favors for their powerful wealthy friends.

Is the Business World Corrupt – Is Capitalism Bad?

Many folks believe that the business world is corrupt, that capitalism has failed, and that we must change to improve our nation, or at least this is what they hope to happen. Still, this is the wrong approach and attitude, and the Occupy Protestors just don’t understand, but I guess it is understandable, as the teleprompter in chief, community protest organizer doesn’t either. Okay so, now I’ve got your blood boiling don’t I, well, tough luck, because it’s time you learned the reality and a little bit about why free market capitalism has made us into the greatest nation in…

Has Capitalism in America Forgotten the Needs of the Community?

Some may content that our current economic engine has sputtered because our capitalist system has left the community in the dust and is only interested in exploiting labor, markets, and consumers. I would offer a different summation to that claim, and it’s unfortunate that so many people do not understand “free market capitalism” enough to hold their own on this simple argument. Let’s discuss this shall we?

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