Bancada ZOA e Paulo Mathias CHORA após Doria desistir

Bancada ZOA e Paulo Mathias CHORA após Doria desistir


O apresentador Paulo Mathias chorou após a bancada do Morning Show brincar com ele sobre a desistência de candidatura à presidência por João Doria. Ex-governador de São Paulo anunciou decisão nesta segunda-feira, 23, e disse que retira a pré-candidatura ‘com o coração ferido, mas a alma leve’.

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Social Security Disappearing in the 21st Century

By 2025, the U.S. Social Security system is scheduled to bottom out, and cost the U.S. government over $300 billion a year. Since benefits are paid from taxes of workers, each retiree will need two workers per benefit. It can’t be done, if things stay the status quo.

Who Is the Winner of Higher Inflation?

The people around the world are suffering the higher inflation recently. The people could not know the inflation from the newspaper, but they also could feel it in the daily life. Canada, South Korea, Indian, China and so on are suffering the higher inflation now. The people are worrying about how to keep their money. Who is the winner of the higher inflation?

San Diego Chargers New Stadium in Downtown: How It Will Affect the Real Estate Market

With a new state-of the art football stadium in San Diego, there are several positive economic factors. Just as the Dallas Cowboys Stadium did for Jerry Jones, the new stadium in downtown can for San Diego. There is the potential to host a 6th BCS bowl game. The potential of the World Cup returning to the United States and the West Coast, and possibly even a Pro Bowl. These things are all speculation at this point, but they are all major economic factors with potential in the next 10 – 15 years. Not to mention each Superbowl generating somewhere around $300 million in local spending from the event.

Microfinance As One of the Effective Extension Strategies for Poverty Alleviation

In the developing world, microfinance has been coined by economics as one of the most effective extension strategies for poverty alleviation. It focuses more upon ensuring that the underprivileged gets an opportunity to channel the available resources in order to generate better income. In order words access to credit creates the perfect environment by enhancing opportunities, which turn ordinary resources into productive resources.

The Impossible Task of Balancing the United States Budget

As the United States faces growing deficits and nations around the world start tightening their fiscal policy, a lot of discussion has come up about balancing the United States budget. People are demanding fiscal responsibility which is causing people to start looking at the government books and figuring out where money can be saved. However, when it comes to fully balancing the United States budget, there are a lot of difficult choices that have to be made.

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