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#Marvel #DoutorEstranho #DoctorStrange
The Integration of the Modern Global Economy
The modern global economy is so inter-connected today that a mere sneeze in Shanghai could cause a Flutter in London and a Storm in New York. When Greece defaulted on its debt this week, Us equities took a nose dive and when new proposals came to light for debt mediation yesterday the US equities markets appreciated.
Europe Ignores America’s Free AdviceTreasury Secretary Lew says he has lots of ideas to resolve the Greek crisis. Europe doesn’t care.
Our Global EconomyThe economy is composed of internal and external factors. In recent years, drastic changes have occurred in the state of the economy. Fortunately, there are ways to ensure people continue to prosper in the local and global economy.
Europe’s Puerto Rico?Puerto Rico isn’t America’s Greece. Greece will be lucky to become Europe’s Puerto Rico.
Global Economic CollapseMany people fail to realize that the imminent global economy collapse is real and unavoidable. The truth is that the impending collapse of the global financial and economic systems started many years ago, and is nearing the point when the world economy will be completely destroyed.