Home Vídeos News Bebel Gilberto é criticada após pisar na bandeira do Brasil

Bebel Gilberto é criticada após pisar na bandeira do Brasil

by Infonew
Bebel Gilberto é criticada após pisar na bandeira do Brasil

A cantora Bebel Gilberto, filha de João Gilberto, foi criticada e atacada por bolsonaristas depois que imagens de um show que fez nos Estados Unidos viralizou na web neste final de semana. Assista ao Morning Show completo: https://youtu.be/LbQgOlssxcc

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The Coming Insurance Industry Meltdown

IMPORANT: Insurance Rule Change Being Considered State insurance regulators are toying with the idea of lowering the reserves insurance companies would be required to have set aside – to cover things like life insurance and annuity contracts. Basically, the amount of money they must have on hand to cover their obligations to policyholders. Insurers claim the current requirements are redundant and overly conservative.

Economics is All About Free Market Forces

Should we Save the Bank? Why should we now risk our entire economy and our future on saving these banks? Maybe we should let them crash and burn? After all that’s how things work normally in real life? Its dog eat dog and the strongest and the fittest survive or in this case the best run banks survive. These banks have the capability of surviving you only need to look at Barclays Bank.

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