Em meio às análises de Pablo Spyer sobre as relações comerciais entre Brasil e EUA, Morgado e Marco Antônio Costa discutem sobre o vídeo de Biden caindo de bicicleta, e divergem se o presidente norte-americano merece pena apesar do poder que detém.
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Powerhouse Economies to Lead US Out of Recession
The United States got caught in a “triple witching” that shook it almost to its financial foundations. With the banking collapse hooked to credit default swaps which were hooked to the mortgage industry the market had no place to go but down.
Reversing the Urban Flight and Suburban Divide to Bring Prosperity Back to the CityMany urban areas are trying to revitalize their downtown district and bring people back. This is more difficult to do than it sounds. However, there are some excellent case studies and examples of how urban blight and urban flight has been reversed, and people have come back to spend money, sit in the open air cafes, go to restaurants, shop in the retail districts, re-establish their offices downtown, and go see a movie after hours.