Blogueiras contam o segredo para conquistar seguidores na festa da gCampaner | Blog Vitrine | JP

Blogueiras contam o segredo para conquistar seguidores na festa da gCampaner | Blog Vitrine | JP


Manuela Carvalho esteve na festa junina da gCampaner e conversou com as blogueiras que mais fazem sucesso na rede. Andrea Cabral, as meninas do Just Real Moms e Thelma Tomb, do blog Escola de Bolos deram suas dicas. Quer saber se existe alguma “macumba” para conquistar seguidores? Clique no vídeo e confira.

European Banks Score Again

European banks recently took advantage of a program from the European Central Bank meant to increase liquidity in Europe’s fragile banking system. The banks borrowed almost 500 billion euros in 3 year loans carrying an interest rate in the range of 1%.

Pipe Welding: What If It Turned Out The U.S. Will Soon Be The Top Oil Producer In The World?

The U.S. is the largest economy of any single country on the planet. U.S. manufacturing has declined, but the U.S. remains the biggest manufacturing company in the world, with about 20% of all world manufacturing. Soon, the U.S. will be the largest producer of oil. What’s that got to do with the demand for pipe welders? Pipe moves oil.

Can the States Save the Nation?

It’s possible that the individual states, following the example of the State Bank of North Dakota, can get out of debt, reduce taxes, and avoid cutting services or laying off state employees. All the states have to do is to borrow money from a non-profit bank at zero interest.

Our Money System and Inflation

Money cannot be manufactured. Money, by itself cannot stand alone. There has to be a system in place to give the paper currency a value. It may be the product, the service, or the backing of the government.

Progressivism Isn’t Progress, IV

The progressives have erected a formidable fortress in the American administrative state. With it, they may well achieve their Holy Grail objective – the collapse of the free market system, the eradication of prosperity, the “equalization” of everyone, and totalitarian government control of the population. We will cease completely to be the nation we were established to be (and the nation we’ve struggled to act like for decades). We’ll still have a “one percent,” but they’ll be our government masters, not our entrepreneurial employers….

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