Marco Antônio Costa faz sua análise pessoal sobre a queda drástica no índice de invasões do MST durante o governo Bolsonaro, e comenta sobre a determinação de Moraes do bloqueio das contas bancárias da esposa de Daniel Silveira.
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US Growth Downgrade Weighs on World Markets
During the worst recession in the past seventy years many have witnessed lay-offs, unemployment rates topping out, stocks dropping to scary numbers, homes being foreclosed on, home sales rising, businesses foreclosed on and one of the most intimidating recessions since the Great Depression.
Financial Stress – Should We Blame the Failing Economy?Those of us who are suffering with financial stress too often blame it on the failing economy. At a time when even states appear to be going bankrupt, isn’t it reasonable to blame the economy for our stress? However, stress is a state of mind. We are all influenced by the economy, but only some of us suffer from stress, so what makes those people susceptible and others not? What can they do to avoid this stress affecting their health?