Even If We Agree There Is Inequality – That Does Not Mean Socialism Is the Answer
Indeed, I’ve been a rather harsh critic of socialism, I am beginning to see it everywhere in the US now and it really concerns me. Not long ago, I watched an economic video by Robert Reich, Nobel Economist and commented on this to an online acquaintance putting it up for debate.
Has China Painted Itself Into An Economic Corner – I Believe SoWhat if China really did totally embrace “free-market capitalism” with every ounce of their fiber, from the large cities to the rural farming communities, “from the mountains to the prairie,” if you will? Well, that’s the topic of this article, and I think it is a relevant one.
Africa’s Bustling Economy Amid Civil Wars and CommotionThis story of development, advancement, potential and profitability has attracted Chinese investors who have so far traded with Africa for over $150 billion, as at 2011 reports and is thus one of its largest trading partners. Africa is the next global economic hub, according to Ernst& Young, a business consulting firm based in the US. Ten years ago, back in 2000 the western world had deemed Africa as the hopeless continent, because of the political problems in countries like Somalia, Sierra Leon, Sudan and Zimbabwe, among other hunger stricken nations across the continent. But today, behold the sun rests its beam on Africa. Its glow is now warm enough to invite back the same economists that had doomed it to fail. Africa has indeed grown in leaps and bounds.
Rest of the World No Longer Needed – China Has So Much Industrial Potential CapacityMuch of China’s success is because the American consumers and companies have bought so many products from them, and they’ve been able to export their way to success building inexpensive products for the rest of the world. Still, what happens when one nation has so much industrial capacity that all the other industrial manufacturing throughout the world is no longer needed? That’s a scary thought isn’t it? Right now China could produce enough good they could provide for several planets, with similar populations and global gross domestic product.
International Trade and Inflationary TrendsThe inflationary trends in any country depend upon several factors. The consumers do blame the governments in power, but the governments seem to have a little control over the rising prices in this globalized era.