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Conheça o +1 podcast, um programa onde revelamos todos os bastidores do Pânico:
Science, Technology, and Economic Development
The current developments in technology are dramatically changing the development levels of the economies of the world. These are enhancing the production and productivity levels.
Increasing Minimum Wage Hurts Employers Ability to Use Pay Raises As IncentivesYou may not have ever considered this, perhaps because you are a left-leaning bleeding heart liberal, but have you considered that raising the minimum wage will have a dire negative consequence. No, I am not talking about economics 101 – the argument that you’ve already heard, albeit true, that minimum wage will cause more unemployment by causing businesses to hire fewer people and/or have to close their doors. Nor, am I going to re-present to you another true economics 101 reality that increasing wages even in the short run causes inflation – specifically wage inflation.
Faster Way to Top Pay for Fast Food WorkersThere has been a recent protest for fast food workers to be paid a “living wage”. $15 an hour. I say why stop at $15, let’s shoot for $50.
Capitalism Works!Why has socialism been abandoned almost every where? Why do productive governments emulate capitalism? What made American capitalism out produce all other industrial societies? Why are American workers still the best?
Government Gone Nuclear! What the New “Majority Rules” Could Mean for Our Broken SystemSenate Democrats vote to make historic changes to procedural rules this month in an apparent effort to overcome obstruction via the use of the filibuster. “The Nuclear Option” is an historic change in the Senate’s confirmation rules which guarantees the President’s judicial and executive nominations, excluding the Supreme Court, a simple up or down vote.