Home Vídeos News Bolsonaro aproxima-se de Lula no 1º turno, segundo pesquisa

Bolsonaro aproxima-se de Lula no 1º turno, segundo pesquisa

by Infonew
Bolsonaro aproxima-se de Lula no 1º turno, segundo pesquisa

Segundo nova pesquisa realizada pelo instituto Poder Data, Bolsonaro tem se aproximado de Lula no 1º turno das eleições, reunindo 37% das intenções de voto contra 43% do petista. A soma das porcentagens de indecisos e brancos e nulos é superior aos índices de 6% de Ciro Gomes e 3% de Simone Tebet

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Housing Bubble Economic Problems – Have We Seen the Worst?

The foremost problem resulting from the deflation of the Great Housing Bubble was the imperilment of our banking and financial system. The bailouts emanating from Congress have mostly focused on keeping the banking system solvent. Considering most institutions were secretly bankrupted by the housing collapse, this was not small problem. The economic ramifications are severe, and 2009 will likely not be the end of the crisis.

The Steel Industry Has Been Very Politically Active

Steel has been the backbone of the PA economy for a long time, but that is not the only area of our country where this is true. Also outside of Chicago, “the Rust Belt” so it is something President Obama has seen, at one time there was 17% unemployment in that area, it got devastated, huge crime issues, economic regional collapse.

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