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Bolsonaro circula por Brasília e é recebido por multidão; veja imagens

by Infonew
Bolsonaro circula por Brasília e é recebido por multidão; veja imagens

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Does 2012 Mark the End of the World or Just the End of the Eurozone?

Current Affairs: A computer program called the Web Bot has predicted that a cataclysmic event will devastate the planet in 2012. The program, that is created by Clif High and George Ure, who call themselves ‘The Time Monks’, purports to analyse ‘Internet chatter’ and shifts in ’emotional tension’ to generate predictive reports of the future. But much like scaremongering reports in the foreign exchange industry these doomsday visions can be tossed into your mental trash can.

How Much Power Does China Wield Since It Owns So Much US Government Debt (Tax Payer Debt)?

Debt is the number one export of the USA. China owns more US Debt than any other country or institution. It’s not in China’s interest to cause the US problems, but think how much power you wield over someone who owes you money and can’t afford to pay it back.

Work Abroad: Why Fight For A Job At Home When Other Countries Are Hiring?

Few college graduates seriously consider going to work abroad, and choose instead to fight it out for a dwindling number of good jobs in the U.S. and other Western countries. But why? A world of opportunity is out there waiting for those bold enough to go find it.

When Europe’s Economy Does Fully Implode Who Else Will It Take Down With It?

Some folks have stated that it is possible that Europe can get through this economic crisis without imploding, but I tend to disagree with that assessment. And each time the EU works to shore up one of its challenges in its banking sector, with its currency, or in negotiation with one of the countries known as the PIIGS (Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Greece, and Spain) – all I notice is that proverbial can being kicked farther down the road. In fact, it is adding insult to injury for bondholders, investors, and it is causing chaos on the global market.

Are We a Sick Society?

Is American culture sick? This article questions whether our country is riding a deadly wave of defeatist economic living.

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