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Bolsonaro critica reajuste e alerta que Petrobras vai afundar o Brasil

by Infonew
Bolsonaro critica reajuste e alerta que Petrobras vai afundar o Brasil

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The Market Has Turned Up But What About the Economy?

With the DOW near 10,000, it’s hard to argue with a market that has gone from 6,500 in March to 10,000 in October. That is a significant move. But many are now asking is it real? Will it hold? Will it continue to go up? This article discusses some of the reasons why it may continue to move up in the short term and some of the reasons why the market will may struggle long-term unless we solve some key economic problems that are preventing real economic growth.

Slick Stick Record Breaker

The economic uncertainty of the last eighteen months or so has led to interesting times in the North Sea with the oil industry experiencing wild fluctuations in the value of oil – 2008 witnessed the most volatile 12 months in the history of Britain’s oil and gas pricing with lows of as little as $34 a barrel contrasting with sky high prices peaking at $147. Combine this volatility with the stop start impact and unpredictable demand caused by the economic downturn, and it’s hardly a great surprise that investors have become distinctly jittery. There is confidence shrinking along with their financial risk and commitment.

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