Home Vídeos News Bolsonaro critica STF e diz ser vítima de ameaças da oposição

Bolsonaro critica STF e diz ser vítima de ameaças da oposição

by Infonew
Bolsonaro critica STF e diz ser vítima de ameaças da oposição

Durante discurso na cerimônia de abertura do 5º Fórum de Investimentos Brasil nesta terça-feira (14), Bolsonaro fez duras críticas ao STF e ao descumprimento da Constituição pelos ministros, considerando haver “bananas e demagogos” na política brasileira.

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Chile has been historically isolated as a result of its geographical and economic characteristics, with roughly 98% of all its imports arriving via ports. However, in the past 30 years the country has undergone a massive change, finding itself now in the vanguard of the Free Market movement – being a world leader in the signing of Free Trade Accords – and shedding its former protectionist economic policies. So what are the possibilities for Spanish companies to take advantage of this situation?

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The majority of Americans are concerned about Job creation, while the federal Government continues to be fixated on Health care reform. When the Government offers concrete incentives to small business, the unemployment numbers will drop.

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