O Pânico Retrô é um canal oficial que mostra o que de melhor e mais engraçado que acontece no Programa Pânico no Rádio. Aqui você não perde nenhum detalhe desse programa sensacional. Inscreva-se e venha fazer parte dessa bagunça!
Vídeos Curtos do Pânico: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3AYvvTlMK4VzhXHoyyAxdQ
Entrevistas completas do Pânico Jovem Pan: https://www.youtube.com/c/panicojovempan
Canal Oficial do Programa Pânico na Band: https://www.youtube.com/c/ProgramaP%C3%A2nicoLab
Ford Employees Learn Economics 101
Recently thousands of Ford employees have been taught the harsh lessons of economics. They were laid off. The lesson is that competition has been growing rapidly around the world and the economy is in a state of constant change. If one doesn’e learn the lessons of the change, they might find themselves victims of it.
Software Industry: Only Solution for Orissa’s Crippled EconomyInformation Technology (IT) is one of the most dominant and growing industry in the global economy today. The dynamic technological advancements in the Information Technology have reinforced the changes in the economy and social sector that are transforming the business and society. In this article, we have tried to trace some hindrances in the process to attract software industries to Orissa.