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Profit From New Economic Data
Recent economic reports indicate which sectors will recover more quickly than others. Find out how you can take advantage of this information to improve your personal future.
America and the Doctrine of the Last ChanceThe History Channel cooks up a nice pot of Nostradamus and eschatological soup with their multi episodic “The Nostradamus Effect.” As usual their best is salted with doubt, dissing and secularist expertise that would be better used in a college course entitled “Unbelief 101.”
Basic Economics and Borrowed SpendingEconomics 101? Much has been said about the burgeoning federal debt recently.
The Most Valuable Strategy You Need to Know During the Coming Economic Collapse in 2011Mr. George explains about one important mental strategy that will keep you ahead of the coming economic collapse in 2011. After gathering a significant amount of data from business leaders, economic professors, financial forecasters and many others, Mr. George wants you to prepare for the worst case financial situation.
Redistribution of WealthIt is reported that one in eight Americans were receiving food stamps. That’s around 40 million people or 12.5% of the population.